Fake accounts and unauthorized websites

We are very happy if you are enthusiastic about following us on our social media channels or if you discover the latest news on www.lyconet.com. Our team wants to inspire and motivate you with the contents and provide you with the current news.

Some want to copy big and successful companies. Thereby, they also do not back away from creating websites or social media accounts under the name of Lyconet. On these pages, incorrect contents are published. Moreover, users are contacted by these accounts and pages at random, and they receive information that is false and not from Lyconet.

Here are some recent examples of such scam accounts and scam pages:

Your support is worth its weight in gold!

You ask yourself how you can protect yourself and how you can support us to take action against fake accounts and fake pages?

Here are some tips:

  • Do not pass on any personal data.
  • Check the imprint, the GTCs, and the privacy policy of the respective account or website.
  • Take a good look at the contact details.
  • Report the account on Facebook or Instagram if necessary.
  • Draw your team’s attention to the account or the page and kindly ask them to do the same – together we can do more about it.


Official Lyconet social media accounts

We are an internationally operating company and would like to point out that all our social media channels are in English. Therefore, you can share our contents with people all over the world without having to overcome language barriers.

Do you already know our official social media channels? Follow us now and share our postings with your friends and followers!

*A Cashback a partnervállalatoknál történő vásárlások után egy 1.500 Forintos (kumulált) összegtől, havonta egyszer kerül átutalásra a megadott bankszámlára.